Jun 20th 2023

Extremism Report


Notable Quotes in the Video:

"Klanbuster, Medusa Head 'Arm Your Friends' logo, 'Be Gay do Crimes' motto, 'Stay in Flight'. The more people like, react to what you're doing: means your are having an impact. And you are inspiring people to care about what you are doing - one way or the other. Project Cerberus, began storing information on private citizens and designating hate groups among this group and its partners."

Known as the Revolutionary Front (of Sweden)

Formed in 2002
"I woke up with them smashing my door with an ax. They smashed my car. Threw in a smoke grenade."
- Victim of Far Left Swedish extremist group.

Recent Swedish News - Civil Unrest

Red Front:
"It is in the interest .. It's the interest of the working class that comes first. So we work towards a common goal; a socialist society. It's not good to use violence, but it's a tool. When it comes to the anti-fascist war, against the Nazi Movement, we can't afford to think about the public opinion. Being a Nazi in Sweden today means a world of hurt."

What is Antifa

What is Black Block? - Anarcho-Communist (self admitted)

More Quotes:

"But it's also important if you are doing something illegal, you don't want police to identify you. And you don't want police to tell you apart."

"When we find those posts, we save them and send them to employers - finding ways to disrupt their organizing online. Track them down and figure out where they live, and make sure they don't feel comfortable."

"When you are a queer person, or a disabled person, or a person of color, you don't get to really step back and say you don't want to be political active - because your life and your existence is constantly in dispute."

"When we appear in the streets, we are trying to stop these people from having proud marches where they can recruit, that say it is safe to be a (fascist). And say, 'No, you can't do this. We are going to fight back.'".

"And that's the point. If we go out and punch nazis in the face, they can't go out, and they can't win."

"Fascists aren't people who want to shut down free speech."

Sex Trafficking in Houston Texas

More Quotes:
"And I will spread your body party everywhere." (8:35)
- The Language of Human traffickers.


These are the same words used by the Enid Oklahoma man in 2010 October demands and later to an Enid City Council Woman on audio recording, for the Dallas Texas and Casper Wyoming / San Mateo Califoria / Ann Arbor Michigan group holding the child named in the subsequent joint 2011 Police Complaint to conceal the child abduction and resulting 2012 Private Investigation sponsored by Raccoon Technologies Incorporated into this child abduction. The Enid man was released because he pretened, similar to BILLY COUNTERMAN v STATE OF COLORADO, to be incompetent - while maintianing his threats after such arrest in harassment of SHADODANCERS L.L.C. and the Allen child abduction via regional public radio and television access granted to him for non-commercial use; and in regional comic book and literature convention promotion work with other promoters named in the ADA CITY POLICE REPORT of 2011 concealing the child for demands of money now over $70000 USD in October 5 2022 letters and written threats.

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