I should not talk about this. In conclusion.

The detail about the project is very personal and about 1500 lines before I was stopped. Editor said - just do the thing. The gist. No mas. So, here's the skinny:

To Briefly Recap:

The following is neither financial or legal advice, nor a solicitation for investment or speculation. This is a purely academic document for specification of a discreet technology in development and commercial research.

The term Artificial Intelligence is overly broad, used in literary fiction and specific scientific applications. For the purpose of this page, and related discussions, specification of the realistic and limited scope of what is qualified is necessary due to competitor fraud to deceive the public in concert with labor relations interference.

The term Artificial Intelligence is generally perceived by the public through films and movies about thinking computers operating in a malicous manner, irrationally and dangerously, which require control for the public safety. This term refers to "learning machines", computers and network applications and software which both correlate information to obtain conclusions and contextual measures, as well as expand their total knowledge based on new information and can alter their function without external administrative input.

For this discussion Artificially Intelligence also includes simple machines, which gather signal input and manipulation to produce simple predictable and fixed outcomes, from simple math functions to ballistic computers and fire control automation - whereby human labor and delay are reduced or virtually eliminated in context to human intelligence.

It may seem odd to refer to these "non-learning computer functions" as "Artificial Intelligence", and they are traditionally referred to like other mechanical tools and signal processing systems like radar to target display representations, as "expert systems".

"Expert Systems" are simply tools that accellerate the actions and intent of the operator, reducing the delay and error in precision to accomplish very large operations and time-sensitive functions, like determination of the precise moment to discharge a weapon to strike a fast-moving target.

The Project

The project utilizes a very specific Artificial Intelligence framework, which is vital to other components of the game design for it to function.

Removing the A.I. component would drastically impact the immersion, style, and feature behavior of all parts of the product, and its design and enjoyment.

A.I. systems include simple tools as well as character management and behavioral solutions layered in the visual and auditory system of the program client; to create a more immersive experience.

Unlike traditional "animation cycles" or conventional motion and collision; A.I. development for the project has been on an OPERATING SYSTEM level, to host a variety of applications in the client and ecology of the distributed network system, whereby data gathering and instancing are personalized for each user - creating a bonded and personalized game experience.

The mechanism of this process is generally covered by Trade Secret, but constitutes a communication, hosting, network, and security authentication mechanism which allow two-way communication and learning with the central application to occur.

Age Requirements (24+)

One reason we are especially sensitive to age requirements, is to prevent minor users from being involved in the data gathering, processing, and psychology of the product, for privacy and standards reasons. Additionally, content in the warfighting game is not appropriate for young audiences and may cause mental or emotional trauma without proper prior education and counselling. Mature adults age 24 and up are themed to be fully developed, and thus are not at risk of cognitive influence or other effects of this new interactive technology and simulation designed purposefully to produce an emotional response and induce ordinary fear, anxiety and other atmospheric immersive qualities of the game.

Adults who have attended theatrical performance of the content have at times sworn off all games and violent content after exposure to the media prepared in works of the writer. While these are superstitious beliefs, we respect the convictions of all participants and no one is under duress to view the game. All media viewing is voluntary, and may end at any time the player wishes.

In simple terms, even without A.I. - this content has been known to scare people into becoming devoutly religious, largely due to the confrontation with psychological conditions and content designed to produce an emotional response in narrative fiction. A.I. tools assist with that immersion using a computer terminal environment, but may become uncomfortable for some users due to other trauma or subject matter (war, live fire combat).

A.I. functions as a narrative 'voice' and character in this environment, disrupting traditional Non-Player-Character (NPC) behavior with geuine human interactivity and behavior that is neither dialog nor relationship grading based, to create a natural interaction and disruption of predictable behavior patterns common to most competitor products and media.

The Role of AI

The role that A.I. plays in the game is exceptionally unique to most real-time products, in addition to general NPC and adversary character activity.

As a result, methods concering those applications for the beta testing group are specifically limited. Efforts to gain access by competitors for this information or to make false claims regarding the game design or performance from a non-competitor false identity, are recurring as of April 2022 in a knowing fraud to extort.


The game, client and server, are C++ applications developed in the City of Ada and Pontotoc County; and do not belong to any other group or company outside of that area - excluding libraries and components featured in the credits specifically. Compiler software is excemptionally basic, due to the 10-20 year lifespan of support for this application with maintenance.

These services may not run on all personal computers, and are designed for specific NVIDIA CORPORATION hardware and minimum 6/6 (core/thread) Zen3 architecture for AMD Ryzen products. Use on older computers may not produce suitable results. NVIDIA card 2xxx series or better required, 6 GB GPU minimum.


This software is proprietary, not for resale, and any attempt to duplicate, reverse-engineer, copy, export, or emulate the game experience are prohibited and may violate terms and conditions of use or incur other liabilities.

Methods in this process are subject use and non-disclosure obligations, especially during the testing and trial phase, and are protected by Oklahoma State Law (Title 78, Oklahoma Trade Secrets, et al).

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