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Stupidity Test

Despite the year being two-thousand and twenty (2020), some people still cannot use the Internet. That is okay. It's a virtue, really, for some good people and we humbly exclude those souls from the following notice.

However, there are some specific people who lack the common sense and basic human decency God gave a sexually confused goat on a Saturday night at a kegger, for which we need to administer the following test of basic 'book smarts', circa 2020.

Figure 1.

The above (link) is the NORMAL size, width, height, and ratio of text to white space for this website. On an ordinary monitor available for under $100 U.S. Dollars.

Those of you with smaller (lower resolution) displays, may see the text fill your screen. However, over half the world and most businesses use the prior 1920x1080 (16:9) or 1920x1200 (16:10) aspect ratio in day-to-day work, games, and website browsing.

Coming to this site or any other and claiming YOU cannot read what appears on a text-oriented website because YOU have an inferior device does not compel us to deprive 50% or more of the public from the 'ordinary and customary use' of the Internet to suit you. Persons with genuine disabilities may be provided on demand with a translator to read the website to them, in accomodation with the visually impaired. As a small town business, we do things like that all-the-time for our community and find providing a human being to help at no cost is the best method of learning how to serve our community and its needs.

If you come in yelling at us like we screwed up because YOU have a broken phone or a broken brain, we cannot accomodate that hostility toward our staff, our clients, or the public with any service.

We can, however, provide you with this certified slip that you are fucking stupid. Test complete.

We would rather get you certified, so we know not to sell or warranty anything to you or your associates, than find out after you break something by using a $10,000 Workstation DVD tray as a 'cup holder' for 'purple drank'.

Since we are not allowed to 'whup' people with 2x4's this is the best we can do.

Mobile devices are -not- computers, nor their limitations our concern. We manufacture and sell business computers for computer users. Other users of other devices should consult their manufacture regarding any defects in the Safari or other mobile browsers.

A community site featuring content on United States public policy and conflicts in the City of Ada, Oklahoma. Privately owned and operated. Not a publication of the incorporated municipal City of Ada.

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